Rebekah Zobel Jones is a 40-something genealogist with itchy feet and a techy brain. With 30+ years of working on her ancestry, and her current role as a web-tech project manager, she blends history with technology in an easy-to-understand way to help her nephews and nieces understand the past in a whole new way.
First introduced to genealogy by her grandmother, Rebekah learned family legends and the joys of realizing cousins untold were out there waiting to be introduced. From pestering aunts and uncles with questions, to early bulletin board postings online (pre-Ancestry.com days!), she began collecting information. When introduced to topics like sourcing and the genealogy proof standard, Rebekah jumped on board the bandwagon and immediately began research certification and the ins and outs of “proper” genealogy.
As a former librarian, Rebekah understands the research process and has a love for learning. Taking all points of her background into consideration, she strives to produce quality work with few assumptions.
Researching these states/surnames:

Researching these US States:
My Surname Cloud: