OBM Packages

Business Solutions for 6-figure Entrepreneurs (aka 6-figure Systems)

You have the mindset of a 6-figure entrepreneur. You know the actions to take, the clients you want to work with. You know your ideal client, your message, your offers. You’ve got all of that nailed. You are working with clients, and maybe have a team member or two already. But something is missing.

You are overwhelmed. Managing your team is taking so much time. Keeping up with all the “back office” work in your business takes away time from your clients, the work that you enjoy and fulfills you.

“Where is the freedom I wanted??”

It’s time to uplevel your back office by upgrading your systems, your structure, your tools, your team.

You are a 6-figure entrepreneur. It’s time you were supported like one!

We will do an audit of your current business systems, the tools you are using, the processes you have created. We’ll figure out (together!) where you want to be. Then, we’ll create a plan to get you there, to streamline your business to super-efficiency — granting you more hours in your day! If you’d like, my team will execute the plan and train your current team to run it all smoothly. Or, we can execute the plan and manage it all for you!

We currently offer upleveling in the following areas:

  • Bookkeeping
    • Accounting program so you can finally know your numbers and how they affect your business
    • Cash Management System so you always know exactly where your $$ is
    • Receipt management so you will never have to hunt to find a piece of paper or that email from last year
    • Monthly financial reports that are up-to-date due to weekly reconciliation of your accounts
  • Customer Service
    • A brilliant management system so that all customer communication is in one place and nothing will be missed
    • Updated email system to ensure stellar communication and integration
    • Templates to facilitate consistent and fast responses by the team to customer questions
    • Tech support for your customers simplified
  • Automation
    • While this differs for everyone, examples include:
      • Proposal –> Contract –> Invoice, all automatic
      • Scheduled call –> Video conference created –> Email sent, all automatic
      • System A talking with System B and sending the data to System C, all automatic
  • Payment Solutions
    • Accept credit cards internationally without using PayPal
    • Accept local bank drafts (US)
    • Automatically run retainer or membership payments
  • Processes
    • Flowcharts showing the path a process takes, for example: how a prospect becomes a client, or how a blog post is published
    • Videos showing exactly what the tools look like and demoing the process
    • Annotated screenshots showing exactly where to click and when
    • All combined together in an indexed system hosted in the cloud
  • Website
    • Self-hosted WordPress for the fullest functionality possible
    • Integrated with all your systems
    • “Membership” site for a one-stop product delivery system
    • Sales pages/landing pages on your own site to capture the traffic

You may need some or all of the above systems. You pick what you need and at what level.

The “Myrna Loy” Package: our VIP, all-inclusive offer includes planning what needs to be done, executing the plan, and then managing it all for you. The only thing you need to do is pick up the phone (metaphorically speaking) and say, “Make it happen”. We’ll do the rest!

The “Dorothy Maguire” Package: our mid-range offer includes planning what needs to be done and executing the plan. We’ll then train your current team to take over and smoothly keep everything running for you.

The “Judy Garland” Package: our low-range offer includes planning what needs to be done, and then handing it over to you and/or your team to execute and manage.