Do You Have A Book In You?

Ready to let it out?

Hi, I’m Rebekah Zobel Jones and I’ve been writing a novel for 30 years. Not all in a row, and not the same novel, but nevertheless a book is still sitting inside my soul and I’ve finally decided to let it out.

And I’m inviting you to join me along the way!

One thing that is super helpful in accomplishing any project is support and accountability. Having a team to help you along the way, encouraging you along the journey, is paramount to success. Each time I’ve started (or continued) to write, I get bogged down in a detail and distract myself with research, editing, or just life! I’m determined that this time will be different.

Are you the same way?

Do you find that you work better by having a support team come along side you? Have you tried different writing groups just to find that people come and go and then you’re the only one left? Or maybe it’s a class where someone is insisting that you “write it this way” and you know in your soul that’s not going to work for you.

Come along on this journey with me!

Welcome to YourPublishing.Quest!

I’m a gamer. I love playing World of Warcraft and board games like Arkham Horror and 221B Baker Street. (I also love Mille Bornes and UNO, but I digress). When you are given a task or project in a game, it’s usually called a quest. It makes it sound like a grand adventure and not a drudgery. Being consistent and sticking to something can seem like drudgery — unless you have a group of companions on the quest with you! (Think Lord of the Rings).

I invite you to join me on this quest – the quest to publish your novel.

I’m not calling it “Author Quest” since you are ALREADY an author. Maybe you are an unpublished author, but you ARE an author. You are ALREADY a storyteller, a teller of tales, a bard. Now it’s time to shine your light so that others may glimpse nuggets of truth. Or just be highly entertained for a few hours.

Your Mission: Should you choose to accept it

Here’s how it will work:

  • Weekly Zoom “Writing Circles”
    • 2 hours, Saturday mornings (Mountain Time)
    • No teaching/training/lectures
    • BYOM (bring your own music) if you want
    • Just a dedicated time to focus on writing/researching/editing/creating
    • Conversation optional
  • Monthly Group Discussion
    • Bring your questions or topics to discuss with fellow authors
  • Monthly/Quarterly-ish Guest Expert
    • Hoping to bring in published authors to share their story, experiences, etc. and help us navigate these waters!

Cost: $27/mo

Ready to join me on this journey?

We all need the accountability of our fellow authors. And the few dollars a month will not only cover my expenses, but give you that added push to actually show up and do the work!